- AOB Abuse by the Numbers--Article by Ins. Journal - Alarming Trend reaches Crisis Point by Amy O'Connor 2-9-17
- Article--Despite lack of hurricanes, claims abuse driving up Citizens Premiums - By Christian Camara, The Capitolist
- ASSIGMMENT OF BENEFITS--CFO arrests Tim Cook, arrest affidavit - Tim Cook arrest affidavit
- Assignment of Benefits--"Take it or Leave it" - Managed Repair opinion by FAPIA president, Don Phillips, regarding Citizens Managed Repair Program. July, 2017.
- Assignment of Benefits--"Take it or Leave it" - Citizens President, Barry Gilway, responds to FAPIA's mischaracterization of it's Managed Repair Program.
- Assignment of Benefits--"Take it or Leave it" as published at InsuranceJournal.com - Titled: "Floridians Will Pay More For Less" also by Don Phillips regarding Citizens Managed Repair Program.
- Assignment of Benefits--"Take it or Leave it" Response by William Stander - The Florida Property & Casualty Association responds to PA attack on Managed Repair.
- Assignment of Benefits--"Take it or Leave it" The Response to William Stander by Don Phillips - Defense of PA's
- Assignment of Benefits---GOT HAIL? - Pic of sign saying "Insurance may pay for your new roof."
- Assignment of Benefits--1st AOB lawsuit - Filed in 2006 by a Public Adjuster as assignee against Tower-Hill. Top 25 writers only.
- Assignment of Benefits--1st DCA decision - The decision (negative) in Security First Insurance Company vs the OIR, regards it form filing to restrcit AOB unless approved by the carrier.
- Assignment of Benefits--1st DCA State Farm Decision - State Farm looses on appeal to United Water & Cohen Battisti. July 8, 2015.
- Assignment of Benefits--A New Kind of Storm - AM Best, Special Report; May 22, 2017
- Assignment of Benefits--AAA Roofing Flier - Hail Damage solicitation; repeal or overturn denied claims.
- Assignment of Benefits--AAPIA article on AOB overreach - Published 12/3/15 claiming that AOB reform is the industry, "crying wolf" again.
- Assignment of Benefits--ACTION 9 Investigates United Water -
- Assignment of Benefits--ACTION 9, What to Avoid when Contractors Come Knockin -
- Assignment of Benefits--Alan Daley: The New Magnet for Insurance Scams - February, 2016
- Assignment of Benefits--Angelica Sigler Corp papers - A&B Dryout
- Assignment of Benefits--Angelica Sigler Corp papers - A&D Dryout
- Assignment of Benefits--Angelica Sigler Corp papers - Express Dry Out
- Assignment of Benefits--Angelica Sigler Corp papers - Moisture Rid, Inc.
- Assignment of Benefits--Angelica Sigler Corp papers - Rapid Mitigation
- Assignment of Benefits--Angelica Sigler; arrest affidavit - For absconding funds while employed in an insurance agency.
- Assignment of Benefits--Angelica Sigler; FDLE Criminal report - A 47 page report of felonies for a water extractor
- Assignment of Benefits--Angelica Sigler; Moisture Rid - DFS report of AOB lawsuits, showing plaintiffs firm
- Assignment of Benefits--Angelica Sigler; Summary of criminal history & background - Prepared by subcontractor and verified via FDLE reports.
- Assignment of Benefits--Anonymous Letter, Attachment - Included w/ the anonymous letter accusing some House Insurance panelists of lying was a promo piece from Cohen-Battisti.
- Assignment of Benefits--AOB contract sample; consumer refused to sign - From Wet Out Restoration referred by Bobby's Plumbing; 3/2/18
- Assignment of Benefits--AOB Fraud & Public Adjusters - A compilation of incidents from arrest affidavits taken from Operation Flames & Flood.
- Assignment of Benefits--AOC vs AOB - Sample language from an Assignment of Claim form.
- Assignment of Benefits--Arbitration required before AOB - November '17 Article by Michael Moline regarding Senate B&I discussion on alternative dispute resolution being required before suits can be filed.
- Assignment of Benefits--Arrest Affidavit - Operation Flood & Flames, 31 defendants, headed by Public Adjuster using AOB
- Assignment of Benefits--Arrest Affidavit in the matter of ARKO Plumbing - A scheme to defraud by Homeowner, Public Adjuster, AQUA CAP, ARKO Plumbing & Joseph Jaremko; owner. Exposed by Exactimate Audit Trail.
- Assignment of Benefits--Arrest Affidavit in the matter of ARKO Plumbing - Paraphrased for ease of reading.
- Assignment of Benefits--Article by Charles Elmore - Regarding Citizens rate increase 9/1/2015
- Assignment of Benefits--Article by Jason B. Wolf, Esq. - Claims Journal, providing insight to 1st DCA decision in SFIC vs OIR and history of previous decisions. Links Provided
- Assignment of Benefits--Article by Mike Moline - 2017, includes Demotech, & 54% of suits are AOB
- Assignment of Benefits--Article by Peter Schorsch - Saint Petersblog, titled: AOB a bonanza for trial lawyers and vendors, bad for consumers.
- Assignment of Benefits--article on House Insurance Chair & AOB - 2019, new House Insurance Committee Chairman says "I think we're there on AOB reform."
- Assignment of Benefits--Article, Florida a Judicial Hellhole - by Nancy Smith. 12-20-16 Florida Courts 4th on Tort Reformers' Judicial Hellholes List
- Assignment of Benefits--Article; Judicial Hellholes - Written by Nancy Smith with Sunshine State News, ranking Florida 4th on the list.
- Assignment of Benefits--Articles on Citizens Rate Filing - 9/1/2015
- Assignment of Benefits--Attorney Fee's Article by Michael Moline - Regards David Altmaier's presentation to the Cabinet Feb. 2017.
- Assignment of Benefits--Attorney Fee's; Citizens vs Bascuas - An article by 360 Online describing the Bascuas case.
- Assignment of Benefits--Attorney Fee's; Citizens vs. Bascuas - An award of atty fee's despite fraud by the insured.
- Assignment of Benefits--Attorney involvement; Operation Flames & Flood - A chronological analysis of arrest affidavits focusing on Attorney involvement. Specifically breaks out all references to attorney/lawyers and relevant commentary.
- Assignment of Benefits--Atty Fee Awards Against Cohen & Battisti/NextGen - A stinging rebuke by a judge regarding the activities used to inflate a loss and abuse the judicial system.
- Assignment of Benefits--Atty Fee Awards Against Cohen & Battisti/Springhill Builders - Another Stinging rebuke by a court of abusive lawsuit practices.
- Assignment of Benefits--Bar Exam Failures - article by Jim Rosica 4-16-18 showing disappointing passage rate of law graduates.
- Assignment of Benefits--Bascuas vs Citizens - Citizens pays atty fee's despite proven fraud by Plaintiffs.
- Assignment of Benefits--Bioscience vs Gulfstream - Finding against Gulfstream despite Assignment restriction; due to the word "benefits" not being present in the policy language.
- Assignment of Benefits--Bone Dry Contract - A copy of the contract with AOB rejected by Laura Pearce
- Assignment of Benefits--Bone Dry Invoice - A copy of invoicing and related docs for Laura Pearce
- Assignment of Benefits--Bone Dry TV Interview - Transcript of a report by Jeff Grant owner of Bone Dry.
- Assignment of Benefits--Call Citizens First articles - Sun Sentinel & Palm Beach Post Articles & Links
- Assignment of Benefits--Calstrom Roof Damage - Courtesy of LMA as published by the Consumer Protection Coalition
- Assignment of Benefits--Cardenas Law Firm vs Southern Fidelity - Request for Jury Trial; case no. 15-008280 CA 01 (05)
- Assignment of Benefits--Carriers can solve the AOB crisis - By Richard Diaz with RAF Referencing CRN as complaints
- Assignment of Benefits--CFO Arrests Restoration Vendor - Timothy Matthew Cox, owner of Nationwide Catastrophe Services, is arrested for AOB fraud.
- Assignment of Benefits--CFO arrests, News Journal - Article regarding the arrest of Roofer, Tim Cox
- Assignment of Benefits--CFO Fraud Warning, Irma. - Report Suspicious Activity Surrounding Hurricane Damage Repairs, 5/22/18.
- Assignment of Benefits--CFO letter to Florida Bar Association - March 5, 2019 to Bar From Jimmy Patronis regarding "law firms manipulating the system."
- Assignment of Benefits--CFO Letter, CFO Incensed - Article by Michael Moline regarding Jimmy Patronis's reaction to Bar Presidents reaction to his letter on AOB attorney abuse.
- Assignment of Benefits--Chamber AOB Op-ed - Written by Florida Chamber President Mark Wilson June, 2018 & stating with new leadership things may change in the Senate.
- Assignment of Benefits--Channel 10 News Story - Complementing the on-air version of a consumer abused by AOB
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens - Lawsuits; 2015 only
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens - All Citizens Lawsuits; 2015, not just AOB.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens 2019 Rate Kit -
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens AOB memo; February, 2016 - Sent to Governor Scott, the cabinet, and legislative leaders warning that a failure to reform would lead to re-population of Citizens.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens atty fees paid -
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens atty fees paid - An article by Judy Godoy regarding the appellate decision in the Bascuas case.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Cuts Back Managed Repair - Article by Ron Hurtibise with the Sun Sentinel; Citizens limits program to Water only
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Litigated Claims Update - Claims Committee & Board of Governors 9/30/15; period January thru June
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens MRP Approved - Orlando Sentinel Article by Ron Hurtibise about Citizens $10,000 water damage cap & MRP
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Policy Changes - Press release with a link to the specific policy language that changed regarding water losses.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Press Release 12/2018 - 2019 Rate Recommendations
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Press Release, - February, 2016 revising its estimated future rate need; non-wind, non-sinkhole.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens press release, March 29, 2017 - Regards Citizens first net loss due to water claims, assignment of benefits and litigation costs.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Rate Change - 2015 rate change report, showing water losses.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Rate Hike - "A Sad Result of Deceptive AOB Practice" 12/12/18
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Rate Increase - A press release stating that AOB, water losses and litigation are responsible for the increase in rates.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Rate Increase - June 21, 2016; Palm Beach Post, Charles Elmore comments.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens SIU Referrals - Cases pertinent to AOB; September, 2014
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Top 20 Opposing Firms - The top 20 law firms that sue Citizens, not just AOB.
- Assignment of Benefits--CItizens top ten opposing attorneys - Charts breaking down by cause of loss the attorney's that sue Citizens.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Top Ten opposing atty's by "property" cause of loss - The top then plaintiff firms suing Citizens using AOB related causes of loss.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Water Damage articles - Miscellaneous articles and links to articles regarding Citizens water losses & policy changes; December, 2015
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Water Damage Presentation - October 2015 by Jay Adams; includes water and AOB stats and abuses. Sample Advertisements, etc
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens Water Loss Clarification - An explanation by Citizens board of its policy language changes regarding water losses.
- Assignment of Benefits--Citizens, Non-Catastrophic HO's Water Claims - January 2016 study of water losses and instances of AOB and other factors driving up costs.
- Assignment of Benefits--Cohen & Battisti - Seminar slides on "Insider Secrets" w/ handwritten criticisms. Anonymous.
- Assignment of Benefits--Cohen & Battisti promotes FLARS membership - Includes references to Citizens and Preferred Providers as the reason.
- Assignment of Benefits--Cohen & Grossman, Legal Malpractice - Springhill Builders, LLC vs Cohen & Grossman
- Assignment of Benefits--Cohen Flyer for Senator Farmer - Fund Raising Flyer from Cohen Law Group for Senator Farmer
- Assignment of Benefits--Colodny Fass Release, 1St DCA decision - The law firm that plead the case renders its opinion of the decision.
- Assignment of Benefits--Commentary on CPCPI's Founding - An email from a CPCPI founder, Ray Altieri, explaining the founding and purpose of the group.
- Assignment of Benefits--Commentary on CPCPI's Founding - An email from a CPCPI founder, Ray Altieri, explaining its founding and departure from FAPIA.
- Assignment of Benefits--Complaints about Complaints - BY Alexadria Glorioso. RAF lobbyist points to CRN's which aren't complaints but "allegations in legal disputes"
- Assignment of Benefits--Consent Order for "Emergency Services 24, INC. - The results of a 2012 investigation into fraud, including unlicensed Public Adjusting, by a water extraction company.
- Assignment of Benefits--Consumer Protection Coalition - A press conference held by the CPC during the 2017 session on AOB.
- Assignment of Benefits--Consumer Protection Coalition, Hurricane Warning - 6/1/2018; "Beware of AOB Scams this Hurricane Season."
- Assignment of Benefits--Contractors Miffed! - Article by Michael Moliine 2-6-19; Senate isn't hearing Restoration Association of Florida.
- Assignment of Benefits--Dave DeBlander opinion on industry - June 15, 2018, Pensacola News Journal. "Insurance Industry spreading falsehoods".
- Assignment of Benefits--Dave DeBlander, AOB Contract - Contract for Services from ProClean Restoration and Cleaning.
- Assignment of Benefits--Daytona Beach News Journal - About AOB vendors after Hurricane Jeffrey
- Assignment of Benefits--Deblander's Response - A response to my rebuttal of Dave Deblanders Op-ed in the Pensacola News Journal from Dave Deblander.
- Assignment of Benefits--Delta Management - Corporate Information & Background
- Assignment of Benefits--Desantis, - March 7, 2019 article by Jim Saunders. Governor DeSantis State of the State address.
- Assignment of Benefits--DFS Data on Lawsuits filed against insurers - Lee Jacobson
- Assignment of Benefits--DFS Data on Lawsuits filed against insurers - Richard Hale
- Assignment of Benefits--DFS Data on Lawsuits filed against insurers - Jayme Buchanan
- Assignment of Benefits--DFS Data on Lawsuits filed against insurers - Imran Malik
- Assignment of Benefits--DFS Data on Lawsuits filed against insurers - Imran Malik; Carpet Report
- Assignment of Benefits--Dimensional Roofing - corporate information & history
- Assignment of Benefits--Direction to Pay Contract - Sample of "Direction to Pay" approach for water extraction--RyTech
- Assignment of Benefits--ELR Door knob hanger - Used to promote the possibility of a "free roof" for 78% of policyholders.
- Assignment of Benefits--ELR Restorations, Inc - AOB Contract titled: Certificate of Completion Rebuild Repairs
- Assignment of Benefits--ELR Roofing - Corporate Information & history
- Assignment of Benefits--Emergency Services 24, Inc - AOB lawsuits, 2013 & 2014
- Assignment of Benefits--Envirotech - AOB suits with Cohen & Battisti
- Assignment of Benefits--Ericksons AOB Contract - Includes "Hold Harmless Agreement" for Erickson's Drying Systems, Inc.
- Assignment of Benefits--FAIR endoresement by Jay Neal - FAIR President endorses board member, "Federated National"
- Assignment of Benefits--FAIR opinion on AOB/Cat Fund - Written by Jay Neal President & CEO of Florida Association for Insurance Reform on how to lower premiums in Florida.
- Assignment of Benefits--FAIR'S AOB Petition - A petition from the Florida Association for Insurance Reform regarding AOB.
- Assignment of Benefits--Fire Chasers ad in Craigslist - looking for "loss consultants to help homeowners get money from insurance..."
- Assignment of Benefits--Five Roofing Flyers after Hail Storm - Picture sent in by Osceola County homeowner of five doorknob flyers; two from ELR.
- Assignment of Benefits--Flames & Flood News Articles - Reports from Miami Herald & Sarasota Herald Tribune, with pictures & names of those arrested.
- Assignment of Benefits--Flames & Flood Summary - Aggregates & Averages of the 25 claims in "Operation Flames & Flood."
- Assignment of Benefits--FLARS Amended Articles of Incorporation -
- Assignment of Benefits--FLARS Domain Registration - Information obtained regarding the Website of the Florida Association of Restoration Specialists.
- Assignment of Benefits--FLARS Original Article of Incorporation -
- Assignment of Benefits--Flood & Flames arrest affidavit - AOB is a prime factor in the arrest of Fausto Espinosa, father of Jorge Espinosa; arrested along with 30 others.
- Assignment of Benefits--Florida Peninsula - AOB lawsuits, 2013 & 2014
- Assignment of Benefits--Florida's Lien Law -
- Assignment of Benefits--Florida's Trial Bar Hurricane - WSJ opinion; March 15, 2017 regarding lawyers in Cahoots with contractors.
- Assignment of Benefits--Forbes Magazine by Steve Pociask - endorsing Sen. Hukill's AOB reform package; SB-569
- Assignment of Benefits--FPCA Amicus SFIC case - Case pleadings in support of SFIC's appeal & Request for rehearing against the OIR.
- Assignment of Benefits--FPCA Motion in SFIC appeal - Motion to leave or to allow Amicus filings by FPCA, FAIA and others in response to OIR's request to deny such.
- Assignment of Benefits--Fraud & Public Adjusters - A chronological summary and breakdown of the incident reports associated with "Flood & Flames" featuring attorney involvement.
- Assignment of Benefits--G&R Plumbing; inflated invoice - reference via blog on Atty fee's; November 2015
- Assignment of Benefits--Glady's Cardenas vs Southern Fidelity Insurance Company - Filed July 15, 2015 in the 11th judicial circuit; case alleging conspiracy between Cardenas, plumber, water extractor, loss consultant, etc.
- Assignment of Benefits--Groell & Salmon - An article pertaining to AOB's circumventing Chapter 713
- Assignment of Benefits--Groelle & Salmon - white paper by David Salmon & Andrew Labbe explaining AOB and the legal nuances pertaining thereto.
- Assignment of Benefits--Groelle & Salmon - AOB's circumventing Chapter 713
- Assignment of Benefits--Happy Hour with Gary Farmer, 2018 - A flyer from the Cohen Law Group promoting a fund raising event for Senator Gary Farmer
- Assignment of Benefits--HB-337 - Section 23 changes effective date of the attorney fee provision in HB-7065 to when the Governor Signs the bill.
- Assignment of Benefits--HB-7065 AOB Reform, 1st Engrossed - The AOB reform bill that passed final muster, April 24, 2019.
- Assignment of Benefits--HB-7065 House Vote -
- Assignment of Benefits--HB-7065 Senate Vote -
- Assignment of Benefits--Heritage Mole Article - From the Sun Sentinel regarding a mole within the insurer providing information to AOB contractors/lawyers.
- Assignment of Benefits--Heritage rate increase of 14.9% - April 8, 2016 Sun Sentinel article indicating increase is due to AOB
- Assignment of Benefits--Highest Rates Article - Sarasota Herald, Fla rates highest in Nation. 2018
- Assignment of Benefits--Homestead Exemption Defense - Article by Cristina Campbell that users of AOB "..May Have Met Their Match" with new ruling.
- Assignment of Benefits--House Insurance Workshop Materials - Including slides from Citizens regarding water losses and AOB.
- Assignment of Benefits--Hurricane Jeffrey Fraud Warning - Article by Saint Petersblog warning about AOB Fraud
- Assignment of Benefits--Hurricane Jeffrey Fraud Warning - Article by Daytona Beach News-Journal regarding AOB and Fraud after Hurricane
- Assignment of Benefits--ICA Letter to Kevin McCarty - Regarding Citizens rate increase and water damage claims; 9/1/2015.
- Assignment of Benefits--Insurance Information Institute - Article from Insurance Journal Citing AOB abuse for increasing insurance costs.
- Assignment of Benefits--Insurance Journal, Rytech - Florida on Alert for AOB Abuse as Irma Recovery Begins. By Amy O'Connor. Quote from Scott Johnson, regarding Rytech & FAIA endorsement.
- Assignment of Benefits--Insurer's Share Blame - Article by Ron Hurtibise with the Sun Sentinel--10/29/17
- Assignment of Benefits--Jasper Roofing - Corporate information & history
- Assignment of Benefits--Johnny Appleseed - Article by SSN, Nancy Smith, on Ken Bell's presentation regarding Harvey Cohen to Senate B&I Committee '19
- Assignment of Benefits--Lavender Letter of Apology - The contents are self-explanatory.
- Assignment of Benefits--Legislature will Regret Failing to Tackle AOB Abuse - Article by Ray Lehman for Insurance Journal. April, 2018
- Assignment of Benefits--Letter repudiating use of AOB by IFW - FLARS Spokesman, Jon Lavender explains why he won't use AOB anymore.
- Assignment of Benefits--Looting by Lawsuit - By Nancy Smith. "WSJ Asks the Florida Senate to Come to Its Senses."
- Assignment of Benefits--Managed Repair article by AAPIA - Written by Attorney Jill Henniger citing losses against PTI and Citizens program withdrawal.
- Assignment of Benefits--Managed Repair Petition - NIRC petition against managed repair.
- Assignment of Benefits--Managed Repair, NIRC Articles of Incorporation - Incorporated in July, 2015 by attorneys and builders
- Assignment of Benefits--Merlin Attacks Scott Johnson - Regarding a post by me on Mediation
- Assignment of Benefits--Merlin Blog AOB - by Chip Merlin regarding presentation by LMA to the NAPIA convention.
- Assignment of Benefits--Merlin/Blog on Insurance Fraud Stats - Accuses the insurance industry of fraudulent fraud statistics. Reponse by Barry Zalma
- Assignment of Benefits--Merlin/Pettinato case - Opinion and analysis by Barry Zalma of the Merlin Law rebuke regarding impartiality of Appraiser.
- Assignment of Benefits--Merlin/Sean Shaw; "Anybody But.." - 2014 Article by Nancy Smith arguing for anyone but Sean Shaw to be elected to represent District 61
- Assignment of Benefits--Merlin; Motion for Sanctions - Opinion & Order against Merlin for "acting in Bad Faith".
- Assignment of Benefits--Merlin; Opinion & Order - By Judge Babcock, J. in Auto Owners v. Summit Park Townhome Association
- Assignment of Benefits--Miami Herald Op-Ed - Written by Michael Carlson, Personal Insurance Federation of Florida
- Assignment of Benefits--Nextgen Restoration, Inc - AOB lawsuits, 2013 & 2014
- Assignment of Benefits--Noland Roofing - Corporate Information & History
- Assignment of Benefits--Noland Roofing & Lee Jacobson - DFS data on AOB suits from Noland Roofing & Lee Jacobson
- Assignment of Benefits--Ocala Star Banner, Editorial - Supporting the need to reform AOB
- Assignment of Benefits--OIR 2018 Data Call Report - A follow up to its 2017 report showing an acceleration in claims and costs in less than 12 months
- Assignment of Benefits--OIR After Atty Fees; Article - Written by Michael Moline for FLORIDA POLITICS: "OIR Going After One-Way Attorney Fees in AOB fight."
- Assignment of Benefits--OIR AOB Data Call Report - Dated 2/8/16, reveals detailed information on 561,763 water & roof damage claims.
- Assignment of Benefits--OIR Data Call - An article by Insurance Journal on water losses and OIR's data call for AOB. 11/10/15
- Assignment of Benefits--OIR pushes back on RAF - By Michael Moline regarding CRN vs. Complaints
- Assignment of Benefits--OIR's opposition to Certification - OIR's opposition to allowing SFIC's appeal to the supreme court.
- Assignment of Benefits--OIR's Oppostion to rehearing - SFIC's appeal to supreme court, requested a rehearing Opposed by OIR.
- Assignment of Benefits--Olympus - AOB suits filed; 2013/14
- Assignment of Benefits--Olympus - AOB Lawsuits filed 2013 & 2014
- Assignment of Benefits--Op-ed by Consumer Institute: June,2018 - By Liam Sigaud. Published by Pensacola News Journal blaming Florida Senate
- Assignment of Benefits--Op-ed by FLARS President, Jeff Grant - Published by Tallahassee Democrat, April 28, 2017
- Assignment of Benefits--Op-ed by FPCA - Executive Director, blames "greedy vendors, lawyers.." and, Senator Miguel Diaz De La Portilla.
- Assignment of Benefits--Op-ed by Scott Johnson - Distributed to local news outlets July 19, 2016 regarding atty abuses and AOB.
- Assignment of Benefits--Operation Flames & Flood; Claim Summary Sheet - Totals by carrier, averages and aggregates for 25 charged cases.
- Assignment of Benefits--Opinion, Insurance Journal - By Ray Lehmann, April 2018. "Legislature Will Regret Failing to Tackle AOB Abuse."
- Assignment of Benefits--Orlando Sentinel Editorial - Written by the Owner of Noland Roofing in Clermont & Critical of AOB reforms.
- Assignment of Benefits--PA Contract w/ AOB - Five Star contract w/ lien and AOB language; redacted as to complainant.
- Assignment of Benefits--PA Contract w/AOB - Shows wording in contract assigning all rights and causes of action to the PA.
- Assignment of Benefits--Palm Beach Post Editorial - From The Consumer Protection Coalition, an Editorial on why lawmakers need to get involved.
- Assignment of Benefits--pic of water extraction advertisement - for Dri Rite showing "$35,000 to remodel my kitchen".
- Assignment of Benefits--PIFF warns of AOB abuse - May 16, 2016, Michael Carlson says AOB suits increased 1000% (90,000) from '05 to '14.
- Assignment of Benefits--Plumber Invoice - Two claims and two invoices showing how AOB is used by some plumbers to inflate a service call and/or to manufacture a loss.
- Assignment of Benefits--Plumbers Beware! - A warning for plumbers that anyone can use to learn about AOB and the pitfalls with Plumber Referral Fees paid by water remediation firms.
- Assignment of Benefits--Plumbers Wanted! - Advertisement from United Way Restoration found on Craigslist promising "non-taxed" referral fee's.
- Assignment of Benefits--Plumbers Wanted; - An advertisement from United Water Restoration featuring income tax evasion for referral fees
- Assignment of Benefits--Power Point slides of Presenters - Data, charts and slides for all presenters during the ICA's Water Loss Forum; June 14, 2016, Boca Raton
- Assignment of Benefits--Public Adjuster arrested - Arrest affidavit shows unlicensed PA had employee artist with caffein-based paint to simulate water damage
- Assignment of Benefits--Public Adjuster arrested, - Booking Sheet for unlicensed PA, with caffein-based paint mixture.
- Assignment of Benefits--Public Adjuster solicitation, Hurricane Jeffrey - An anonymous fax from a PA
- Assignment of Benefits--Public Adjuster violation of Fee Cap Case - By Barry Zalma, Case # 15-2320: Ethel Matusow. "Public Adjuster Puts Insurer on Horns of a Dilemma."
- Assignment of Benefits--Public Adjuster violation of Fee Cap Case - 3rd DCA opinion, September 20, 2018
- Assignment of Benefits--Public Records Requests - An article by Jim Saunders reporting on the Supreme Court's decision regards Abusive Public Records requests
- Assignment of Benefits--Public Records Requests - Summary; Supreme Court Case; Gulf Stream vs O'Boyle.
- Assignment of Benefits--RAF Annual Report - Secretary of State, Division of Corporations. Restoration Association of Florida Annual Report
- Assignment of Benefits--RAF Attorney Members - As appearing on RAF website on 3/3/19
- Assignment of Benefits--RAF lashes out at Patronis - Florida Politics, "Backlash from Restoration Contractors".
- Assignment of Benefits--RAF Op-ed - By Stephen Rowe II in Sun Sentinel, alleging Floridians don't have all the facts on AOB.
- Assignment of Benefits--RAF Op-ed by Richard Diaz - Lakeland Ledger, Opinion: Insurers can solve "AOB crisis" on their own.
- Assignment of Benefits--RAF Town Hall Meeting - Release by Consumer Protection Coalition is support of the charge that RAF fronts for trial lawyers.
- Assignment of Benefits--Representative Vargas; April, 2018 - "...Critics Say He's Raising Rates..." By Alexandra Glorioso & Marc Caputo, POLITICO.
- Assignment of Benefits--Restorations Unlimited - AOB lawsuits 2013 & 2014
- Assignment of Benefits--Ripoff Report on Noland Roofing - A customer complaint registered against Noland Roofing found on the internet.
- Assignment of Benefits--Roofer w/ PA assignment - Photographs of documents showing a roofer request to be present and an assignment of a public adjuster.
- Assignment of Benefits--Roofing Flyer - American Hero Construction promises Insurance Restoration Specialists; no hassle, no obligation free inspection.
- Assignment of Benefits--Roofing Flyer #1 -
- Assignment of Benefits--Roofing Flyer #2 -
- Assignment of Benefits--Roofing Flyer #3 -
- Assignment of Benefits--Roofing Flyer #4 - Highlights the assignment of a Public Adjuster as part of the roofer solicitation.
- Assignment of Benefits--Roofing Flyer #5 - A collection of roofing flyers for Hail in Citrus County
- Assignment of Benefits--Saint Petersblog - About AOB contractors after Hurricane Jeffrey
- Assignment of Benefits--SB-1038 by Senator Hukill - 2017; the industry preferred bill recommended by the OIR and Citizens for reform of AOB and attorney fees.
- Assignment of Benefits--SB-122 by Broxson, 2018 - New Senate B&I Chairman introduces attorney fee reform bill to stop AOB abuse; later amended during 2019 committee mtg.
- Assignment of Benefits--SB-1248 by Diaz de la Portilla - Bans referral fees, kickbacks and other cash payments for remediation work.
- Assignment of Benefits--SB-596 by Hukill; 2016 - Senator Dorothy Hukill's bill to reform AOB, amended from previous years to apply to PA's.
- Assignment of Benefits--SB-596, CPCPI endorsement - PA members of The Council of Property Claim Professionals, Inc, endorsement.
- Assignment of Benefits--Senator Farmer Lobbying for Trial Bar - by Peter Schorsch. "Texts Reveal Gary Farmer still lobbying for trial bar."
- Assignment of Benefits--SFIC Press Release - Regarding the 1st DCA decision; SFIC vs OIR
- Assignment of Benefits--SFR Roofing Flyer - As published by LMA and the Consumer Protection Coalition.
- Assignment of Benefits--Simbro Affidavit by Kellie Clark -
- Assignment of Benefits--Simbro Group LLC, Roofing - A threatening letter sent to a single mom & teacher in an attempt to collect an alleged AOB payment.
- Assignment of Benefits--Speed Dry, Inc - AOB Lawsuits, 2013 & 2014
- Assignment of Benefits--State 2 State vs FPIC - Fraud committed by plaintiff, dismissed with prejudice.
- Assignment of Benefits--Steve Pociask editorial - Sun Sentinel and other papers, January 2018.
- Assignment of Benefits--Steve Pociask; Bad Politics Blocks AOB - Op-ed from American Consumer Institute on trial lawyers blocking reform
- Assignment of Benefits--Strem Law Firm; DFS Transmittal letter - Showing 72 lawsuits, including 16 double suits.
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm - Claims against AIIC from the Strems firm showing the difference in the claimed amount and the insurer estimate.
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm - Court documents related to motions for fraud, motions for sanctions and final Order Granting Dismissal and Sanctions. 2016
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm - Documents regarding motions of sanctions and dismissal against Strems Law Firm
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm - Final Order Granting Dismissal and Sanctions for "Fraud Upon the Court."
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm - Personal Sanctions and dismissal by court. $37,000 awarded to Security First from Scott Strems.
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm SOP Report - A report from DFS showing number of lawsuits filed from 1/1/15 to 9/1/15.
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm suits by carrier - Compilation taken from DFS SOP letters & totaled by carrier, including double suits.
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm, Greg Saldamando - Multiple Law Suits filed against the same insurer by the same plaintiff. 1/1/15 to 10/1/15
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm, Tally Sheet - A tally of all suits, including doubles, from 1/1/15 to 9/8/15.
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm; Greg Saldamando Suits - Including "double" suits filed from 1-1-14 to 10-1-15
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm; Groelle & Salmon - Announcement of the verdict with sanctions against Strems; includes summary of the case.
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm; insurer lawsuits filed; 1/1/14 to 10/1/15 - DFS Report of Service of Process filings.
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm; Multiple suits - Compilation of multiple suits filed by the same plaintiff against the same insurer from 1/1/14 to 10/1/15. Includes end note on AOB suits.
- Assignment of Benefits--Strems Law Firm; SOP Cover Letters - From DFS showing all lawsuits submitted since Jan 1, 2015 to Sept, 8, 2015.
- Assignment of Benefits--Sun Sentinel Article 1/16/16 - Attorneys object to Citizens' water damage fraud allegations.
- Assignment of Benefits--Sunshine State News Editorial - One of the better pieces on AOB abuse; by news veteran Lloyd Brown
- Assignment of Benefits--Survival Tactics for PA's & Water Mit Contractors - A Power Point Presentation from Payless Janitorial, sponsored by Cohen & Grossman.
- Assignment of Benefits--Tampa Times - June 21, 2016 by Jeff Harrington comments on Citizens rate increase. Number of claims "tripled" outside of tri-county area.
- Assignment of Benefits--The Big Rip-off: Top 5 Strategies of Insurance Fraudsters - By Laura Mazzuca Toops, PropertyCasualty360.com
- Assignment of Benefits--Top AOB Vendors - Courtesy of CaseGlide, August 2018.
- Assignment of Benefits--TOP lawsuits by Policies in Force - Courtesy of CaseGlide. August 2018
- Assignment of Benefits--Top Plaintiff Law Firms - Courtesy of CaseGlide, for August, 2018
- Assignment of Benefits--Tower Hill - A consumer flyer on claims; warnings on AOB
- Assignment of Benefits--Troubled Water - written by it's president, Locke Burt, Security First's study of water losses and AOB abuses.
- Assignment of Benefits--United Water Flyers, Hurricane Jeffrey -
- Assignment of Benefits--United Water plumber notes - Sent to JS by Patricia Bloebaum regarding her dissatisfaction with her remediation
- Assignment of Benefits--United Water Restoration - AOB lawsuits, 2013 & 2014
- Assignment of Benefits--United Water Restoration BBB Complaints - Included as part of the lawsuit filed against United Water by Capital Preferred Companies.
- Assignment of Benefits--United Water, Door Hanger - An Ad featuring $1000 commission for a referral and to call Lori Stein.
- Assignment of Benefits--United Water, letter - From Patricia Bloebaum
- Assignment of Benefits--United Water, Letters from Patricia Bloebaum - Dated, November 7, 2016 to The Fraud Division regarding Quality Plumbing.
- Assignment of Benefits--United Water, Plumber Fees - Article; Ocala Star Banner
- Assignment of Benefits--United Water, Plumber Follow up - Letter from Mrs. Bloebaum following up with Fraud Investigators about Quality Plumbing/United Water
- Assignment of Benefits--Vargas on AOB - Politico article, April 2018 abt. trial lawyer Andrew Vargas candidacy & AOB.
- Assignment of Benefits--Wall Street Journal article - Regards AOB and Senator Antiere Flores.
- Assignment of Benefits--Wall Street Journal article - Senator Flores response
- Assignment of Benefits--Water Extraction, Example 1 - A redacted printout applying IICRC standards to an inflated water claim w/ differences highlighted
- Assignment of Benefits--Water extraction, example 2 - A redacted printout applying IICRC standards to an inflated water claim w/ differences highlighted
- Assignment of Benefits--Water extraction, example 3 - A redacted printout applying IICRC standards to an inflated water claim w/ differences highlighted
- Assignment of Benefits--Water extraction, Example 4 - A redacted printout applying IICRC standards to an inflated water claim w/ differences highlighted
- Assignment of Benefits--Water Extraction; two examples - Two ads showing some abusive practices by some water extractors. "Remodel Your Kitchen" and "Avoid paying taxes".
- Assignment of Benefits--What Could Raise Rates - Wall Street Journal on how contractors can cause rates to rise after Hurricane Irma.
- Assignment of Benefits--White Paper by Delegal & Kalifeh - Reviews the attorney fee statute, Assignment of Benefits (AOB) and case law relevant thereto. Includes history and charts showing abuse.
- Assignment of Benefits--White Paper by Delegal and Kalifeh - An update of the Original Study, "Restoring Balance in Insurance Litigation" relating to AOB and its Correlation with One-Way Attorney's Fees.
- Assignment of Benefits--William Large article, 2017 - Fla. Justice Reform Institute President (FJRI) comments on attorney fee's and suits regarding AOB.
- Assignment of Benefits-Floor Vote HB-7015 - 2018 House vote count on AOB reform Bill. Passed, 82-20
- Assignment of Benefits; AIIC Blog - From the website of American Integrity Insurance Company regarding; plumber referral fee's and AOB
- Assignment of Benefits; Fraud Task Force Advisement - A Consumer white paper on AOB and claim fraud by PA's, emergency remediators and others.
- Assignment of Benefits; Plumber Referral Fee's - From a carpet restoration company warning against using any plumber that gets paid a referral fee.
- Assignment of Benefits; SFIC/OIR lawsuit - The initial brief filed to OIR's rejection of AOB language requiring written approval by the carrier.
- Assignment of Benfits--Insurance Companies Forcing Their Way Into Policyholder's Homes into - Commentary by Anthony Tinelli, Daily Business Review, August 18, 2017.
- Assignmet of Benefits--Let's Get Ready to Rumble! - A solicitation sent widespread by Cohen & Battisti soliciting membership in FLARS to defeat AOB reform.
- Assignmnet of Benefits--RAF Town Hall meeting - From the Consumer Protection Coalition in support of the charge RAF fronts for Lawyers.
- Asssignment of Benefits--Top Plaintiff Law Firms & AOB Contractors - A monthly report from Caseglide for the month of December 2017 showing total cases per firm.
- Cohen Grossman--Legal Malpractice Lawsuit - Alleged by Springhill Builders, LLC on three separate AOB cases.
- ELR Restorations, Inc--BBB Complaint Summary - Used as a reference for a Blog regarding a Channel 9 Expose' titled "Again".
- ELR Restorations, Inc--Door Knob Flyers, - Four flyers on one door. Two from ELR
- Politics Blocks AOB--article by Steve Pociask - President & CEO, the American Consumer Institute. November, 28, 2018.