- Assignment of Benefits--Bad Apples PP for American Integrity - by Scott Johnson for AIIC Agent Road Shows.
- Assignment of Benefits--FLARS PP, SB-122 -
- Assignment of Benefits--Presentation by Ken Bell -
- Assignment of Benefits--WHO PAYS? - By the Rock Law Group; Presented to the Sunshine Claims Conference--May, 2017
- Assignment of Benefits-Gary Rosen PP, SB-122 -
- Casualty Actuarial Society Presentation Excerpt - Lock Burt -
- Catastrophe Fund by Jack Nicholson, Phd. September, 2011 - A presentation on proposed legislation for 2012 restructuring the Cat Fund to "right size" its coverage. Caution; this is proposed only and has not been approved by the SBA; possibly may not be approved. Do not distribute.
- Chamber 2017--AOB presentation, ASI - by Angel Collins, General Counsel for American Strategic, Insurance Company
- Chamber 2017--AOB presentation, Citizens - By John Rollins for Citizens Property Results
- Chamber 2017--AOB presentation, Roofers - By Bob Ritchie, American Integrity Insurance Company
- Chief Insurance Officer, Yong Gilroy comprehensive overview to Actuarial Society of Citizens history and operations -
- Citizens 2018 Rate Hearing--Opening Comments - By Barry Gilway; August 23, 2017
- Coastal Risk Analysis--Insurance Information Institute; June 2007. - Power Point slides providing an economic analysis of Florida's Coastal Risk as delivered to the FHCF Insurer's workshop by Robert Hartwig, Ph.D. CPCU, President.
- FIRM presentation, November 2009 Citizens Rate Hearing - Annalise Mannix presents FIRM's opinions on why Monroe County's rates are too high already and should not be increased. Includes presenters notes and comments
- Florida Guaranty Funds; P&C - By Tom Streukens, Director of Operations of the American Guaranty Fund Group. Delivered to the Florida Insurance Conference on Financial Reporting; September 14th, 2011.
- Irma Presentation--1-30-18 - A forum sponsored by Local State Attorney included this presentation delivered by Public Adjuster, Joseph Sabbagh.
- Irma Presentation--1-30-18 - Sponsored by local State's Attorney, delivered by trial attorney Gauthier Houghtaling from New Jersey post TS Sandy.
- New Citizens Managed Repair Program--Survival Tactics fo PA's Water Mit Contractors - Presented by Harvey Cohen, Gary Rosen & Bob Cook; July 6, 2017
- OIR Cabine Presentation; August 11, 2009 - Kevin McCarty presents the need for attracting new capital to Florida's insurance market.
- OIR Cabinet Presentation; January 13, 2009 - Kevin McCarty presents regarding the state of the market and solvency related issues and tools as well as its annual reinsurance data call and the conditions of the investment & credit risk markets.
- OIR Presentation, Senate B&I; State Farm Withdrawal, 2/19/09 - Belinda Miller explaining State Farms withdrawal, the Hearing officers findings and the impact on the market.
- OIR presentation; Cabinet mtg 3/23/10 - Kevin McCarty presents to the Financial Services Commission (Cabinet) an update on Florida's residential market since his last update on September, 2009 citing the following cost drivers:Increased Reinsurance, Replacement Cost Methodology, Fraud Reported Sinkhole Claims; and Premium Reductions from the Full Implementation of Mitigation Discounts
- OIR Presents to House Insurance; January 2011 - Overview of various areas: top 25 writers, recent rate filings, surplus reports, Citizens, Sinkholes, capital requirements, RCV holdback and more.
- OIR Sinkhole Presentation; House Insurance 2/9/11 - Background and update based on OIR's sinkhole Data call.
- OIR Update on Florida Market; October, 2009 - Presented by Kevin McCarty on the first half of 2009 regarding Florida's residential property market cost drivers and the implementation of HB-1495.
- OIR Update on HB-99 and SB-408; by Belinda Miller - An overview of the market and impact of two bills implemented by the 2011 legislature. Delivered to the Insurance Summit sponsored by the Florida Chamber; November, 2011, Lake Buena Vista.
- Platforms of Success - A presentation dealing with effective self-management and goal setting. Delivered by Scott Johnson to the Independent Agents of North Carolina. Source; Platform III of his book; Platforms of Success.
- Power Point for IIANC; Platforms of Success - Presented to the Independent Agents of North Carolina in 2009 for Platform III--Self Management.
- Rate Hearing--Castle Key; July, 2011 - Insurance Consumer Advocate's presentation on Castle Key's two subsidiaries. He recommended a higher increase than requested for Castle Key Indemnity of 48%.
- Rate Hearing--First Community; March 2011 - Insurance Consumer Advocates presentation regarding First Community's 23% request.
- Rate Hearing--First Home; December 2010 - Insurance Consumer Advocates presentation on the First Home's 41% increase request.
- Rate Hearing--Florida Peninsula - Slides from the Insurance Consumer Advocate regarding Florida Peninula's 20% rate increase request.
- Rate Hearing--Hartford AARP; June, 2011 - Insurance Consumer Advocate's presentation regarding Hartford's sinkhole filing increase of 28%.
- Rate Hearing--State Farm; February 2011 - Slides from the Insurance Consumer Advocate regarding State Farms 28% request.
- Reinsurance & The Florida Insurance Market - Delivered by John Auer, President & CEO of American Strategic Insurance (ASI) on September 20, 2011 to the House Insurance Sub-comittee.
- Reinsurance Market Conditions; September 2011 - Delivered by Anthony Jamison of Guy Carpenter to the Florida Insurance Conference on Financial Reporting
- SInkholes & AOB Abuse--One Success; One to go - Presented by Angel Conlin with ASI
- State of Florida's Homeowners' Insurance Market; June 26, 2012 - As delivered to the Florida Cabinet by Kevin McCarty, Insurance Commissioner.
- The AOB Problem - Presented by Bob Ritchie to the Chamber Insurance Summit. 2/2/17
- The Florida Property Market: Finding the Right Marriage of Money, (Residual) Markets and Mitigation - A Presentation by Lorilee A Medders, PHD with the Storm Risk Management Center.
- The Non-Weather Claims Explosion - Presented by John Rollins w/ Citizens to the Chamber of Commerce Insurance Summit--10/27/15