The largest plane in the world will be the cargo plane or tactical airlifter, the Antonov An -225 Mirya. It’s 73m’s length along with the level of 24.1m. It’s wingspan is 88.4m. The most fat for takeoff is 1 or 600, six machines power 750 lb. The airplane, 322 and was built in 1988. There is only 1 An-225 on earth and it is presently run by Antonov Airlines. [Read more…] about How-to Compose a Position Paper with Taste Documents
Weiss Ratings…three reasons for “no credibility”!
The problem with an insurer rating agency that confirms the suspicions of those who don’t understand insurance is that it becomes the de facto standard. The Palm Beach Post, the Herald Tribune, The Tampa Times and reporters like Charles Elmore, Daniel Ruth, Jeff Harrington and others, have spread fear using bogus ratings from Jupiter based, Weiss Ratings, Inc. [Read more…] about Weiss Ratings…three reasons for “no credibility”!
AUTO NO-FAULT: “…and here we are again!”
I’m often critical of the Palm Beach Post. And, for good reason.
But…just because it far too often “gets it wrong” on property insurance, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t recognize when it gets it right on auto insurance. [Read more…] about AUTO NO-FAULT: “…and here we are again!”
Citizens vs Big Bubba’s Insurance!
Aside from a piece two years back about a public adjuster threatening to sue me, the blog I wrote November 18th, “Big Bubba’s Catfish & Insurer Ratings“, generated more commentary than anything I’ve published over the last four years. [Read more…] about Citizens vs Big Bubba’s Insurance!
Had a far ranging conversation recently with a friend and lobbyist regarding Florida’s domestic property carriers. He asked… “What can we do about agents that keep telling their clients domestic insurer’s are thinly capitalized?”
First, I reminded him that independent agents would never intentionally deride carrier’s in which they’ve placed clients. Makes no sense.
But, here’s the rub. [Read more…] about BIG BUBBA’S CATFISH & INSURER RATINGS
Assignment of Benefits…The Brewing Storm!
There’s a storm brewing! Widespread mistreatment of consumers by emergency remediators, mostly water extraction contractors and roofers, continues with no end in sight. Lured by the potential of huge payoffs with little chance of any consequences and enabled by Assignment of Benefits (AOB) they routinely kidnap the claim and leave premium payers with the ransom note. [Read more…] about Assignment of Benefits…The Brewing Storm!
Charlie’s “new” Plan & The Way We Were
You’ve already heard about Charlie Crist’s New Insurance Plan. A rewrite of the historical record ignoring some facts and distorting others to obfuscate damage from the first insurance plan he pushed through in early 2007. [Read more…] about Charlie’s “new” Plan & The Way We Were
AOB…a flicker of common ground?
Common ground was visible recently between public adjusters and insurer’s. A brief flicker, sure. But, it was there.
Sparked by an article from Dick Tutwiler, CPCLA, PCLA opining on coverage reductions for water losses, abuse of Assignment of Benefits (AOB) by water extraction companies and the unlicensed practice of public adjusting. [Read more…] about AOB…a flicker of common ground?
The Post…at any cost!
In an understandable attempt to close a painful chapter of ethical missteps, The Palm Beach Post editorial titled “Too much hot air in inflated homeowners market assessment”, gets it wrong….again.
And…AGAIN! [Read more…] about The Post…at any cost!
Barn Burners II
Last week you read of a hatchet job by the Palm Beach Post. Writer Charles Elmore was hell bent on connecting the rates and underwriting of Citizens with the international travel necessary to save $233 million on reinsurance premiums.
Anything favorable to Citizens, or the reinsurance deal it secured, was sullied with Elmore’s fact selection, the words he put in the mouths of others, sales puffery he cut/pasted from travel brochures and spa pictures downloaded from the internet.
Not a good day for journalism.