Staggering, unconscionable, devastating, incomprehensible…such is the hyperbole misshaping both the intent and impact of Citizens sinkhole rate increase–unanimously recommended by its board week before last. Leading the army of distortionists is Senator Mike Fasano (R-New Port Richey) and Florida’s former Insurance Consumer Advocate, now a staunch advocate for public adjusters, Sean Shaw. [Read more…] about CITIZENS SINKHOLES..Not a Pretty Sight!
Public Adjusters
Public Adjusters & SB-408–Blog Responses
I received many reply’s to my last blog regarding SB-408’s impact on public adjusters (Pop Some Bubbly?). Most could not be published but, I did allow several that were critical of both my motives and manhood to appear, along with my responses. [Read more…] about Public Adjusters & SB-408–Blog Responses
Public Adjusters & SB-408–Pop Some Bubbly?
It’s hardly a secret the insurance industry would prefer having no Public Adjusters (PA’s) or certainly, having far fewer of them. Despite disappointment by some about this years’ bill (SB-408) with respect to PA’s generally, I think there’ll be cause to pop some bubbly in the not-too-distant future. [Read more…] about Public Adjusters & SB-408–Pop Some Bubbly?
Due mostly to the proliferation and growing problems associated with Public Adjusters (PA’s), lawmakers directed the state Office of Program Policy and Government Analysis (OPPAGA) to study and report findings–which it did on February 1, 2010. OPPAGA was careful to keep judgments and opinions out of its report but, not careful enough to prevent distortions of its conclusions.
One data point attracting both attention and exploitation (by “some” PA’s) misleads consumers to conclude a public adjuster averages 747% more payout on claims–a mistruth advertised by at least one PA as being…”according to a government study“. Here’s the relevant paragraph from OPPAGA’s report: