Despite distractions provided by the Cat Fund and redistricting, the rhythm of PIP reform is picking up. Business and industry groups vary on the details of reform but, never the need for it. Those pushing repeal merely believe “real” reform is impossible…politically. [Read more…] about PIP PACE PICKS UP!
Life Without PIP…Worth the Risk!
Sitting on the board of the Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association (FAJUA) is like being in the sky-box for one of the most abused insurance systems in America; Personal Injury Protection (PIP). As both fraud and premiums have soared so, too, has the FAJUA’s policy count; rocketing from a low of “six” private passenger vehicles to nearly 800 4-wheel “defined” vehicles under Florida’s no-fault (PIP) statute…in less than a year! [Read more…] about Life Without PIP…Worth the Risk!
News broke recently that Elliot Spitzer, arguably the most exposed hypocrite in the history of American politics, was being sued for having libeled two former Marsh & MaClennan executives exonerated of any wrong doing in the most famous kickback scandal ever to hit the insurance agency/brokerage system. To this day, compensation disclosure issues plague independent agents, lawsuits are still underway in states like New York and contingency commissions under siege across the land; all a result of Spitzers original prosecutions. [Read more…] about KICKBACKS & CLIENT # 9
Staggering, unconscionable, devastating, incomprehensible…such is the hyperbole misshaping both the intent and impact of Citizens sinkhole rate increase–unanimously recommended by its board week before last. Leading the army of distortionists is Senator Mike Fasano (R-New Port Richey) and Florida’s former Insurance Consumer Advocate, now a staunch advocate for public adjusters, Sean Shaw. [Read more…] about CITIZENS SINKHOLES..Not a Pretty Sight!
CONSUMER ADVOCATE..Right Person, Right Time!
It’s a little late to comment on the appointment of Robin Westcott to the post of Insurance Consumer Advocate, but…I thought I could share some historical perspective, point out the hypocrisy of those who criticize the appointment and congratulate Ms. Westcott all at the same time. [Read more…] about CONSUMER ADVOCATE..Right Person, Right Time!
It may have happened before but, I wasn’t in the room. During a televised OIR rate hearing this week, a major Florida homeowners carrier was criticized for, get ready…requesting too little of an increase! Yep, it’s true. And guess who was doing the criticizing? [Read more…] about CASTLE KEY RATE HEARING–Gotta be a First!
Public Adjusters & SB-408–Blog Responses
I received many reply’s to my last blog regarding SB-408’s impact on public adjusters (Pop Some Bubbly?). Most could not be published but, I did allow several that were critical of both my motives and manhood to appear, along with my responses. [Read more…] about Public Adjusters & SB-408–Blog Responses
THE FAIA CONVENTION–Mitchell Stallings Award
I just attended the 107th Annual Meeting and Education Symposium of what has to be the best insurance trade association in America. During a time in which others are abandoning the idea of even having a convention, this organization, the one I worked at for 36 years, continues to grow and impress.
With well over 2000 people in attendance and more than 265 booths at its trade show, the FAIA meeting eclipses that of any other insurance group I know of, including most national associations. It’s architect and on-site manager is Cindy Molnar. Her talent as a meeting planner results in a packed house every year. Her smile results in the house always being well lit!
She is at the top of a convention team, assembled by Jeff Grady, a friend and talented trade CEO who has all the tools to prove that FAIA’s success is not a result of luck or just a “sign of the times” but, rather…due to his foresight and acumen as a leader.
I was extremely honored this year to be presented FAIA’s highest honor, the Mitchell Stallings Memorial Award. My long time friend, Alex Soto, conducted the presentation during a ceremony that I attended because I thought I was going to have to make a presentation. I was pleasantly surprised to find out the presentation was just a ruse to get me there. The applause was mostly because the audience found out I was not going to be making a presentation.:)
Here’s an “unsteady” video tape of the proceedings as taken by Kyle Ulrich. I hope everyone enjoys it, and…for the record; I love FAIA and everyone who works there. The American agency system produces the best people you can find anywhere in the world and the best of the best are here in Florida.
Long live the independent agent!
And…thanks to all my friends at FAIA for making my retirement and my career the absolute best anyone could hope for. I will miss you, but will never be far away.