With last month’s news that GEICO is now spending nearly $1 billion on advertising, I’m reminded of the regulatory emphasis previously placed on how much Florida domestic property writers were spending to acquire policyholders and thus…the relationship between advertising expense and agents’ commissions. [Read more…] about Agents vs. the $1-Billion Lizard
No PIP Or The PIP We’ve Got?
After some rejoicing on the passage of CS/HB-119 out of the House Civil Justice Committee and all the hoopla that followed, I cautioned…”We’ve been this far before, even further”. You can check the post titled, PIP Reform–A Big Week for the details on what happened and how CS/HB-119 is what’s needed to solve Florida’s PIP problem. [Read more…] about No PIP Or The PIP We’ve Got?
PIP Reform…A Big Week!
Last Wednesday CS/HB-119 cleared its second hurdle passing 10 to 5 out of the House Civil Justice Committee. In doing so, and with the possible exception of outright repeal, it became Florida’s best hope in the fight against a $1 billion criminal industry. Better than all the other approaches, it scalpels only the malignancies directly responsible for hundreds of seedy criminal enterprises across our state. [Read more…] about PIP Reform…A Big Week!
Despite distractions provided by the Cat Fund and redistricting, the rhythm of PIP reform is picking up. Business and industry groups vary on the details of reform but, never the need for it. Those pushing repeal merely believe “real” reform is impossible…politically. [Read more…] about PIP PACE PICKS UP!
Life Without PIP…Worth the Risk!
Sitting on the board of the Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association (FAJUA) is like being in the sky-box for one of the most abused insurance systems in America; Personal Injury Protection (PIP). As both fraud and premiums have soared so, too, has the FAJUA’s policy count; rocketing from a low of “six” private passenger vehicles to nearly 800 4-wheel “defined” vehicles under Florida’s no-fault (PIP) statute…in less than a year! [Read more…] about Life Without PIP…Worth the Risk!