With less than a week to go in the 2016 legislative session AOB reform is, again, dying. There’s a small chance of something limited. Banning referral fees and kickbacks for example. But… most industry lobbyists are prepared to scuttle anything limited only to referral fee’s without reforming attorney fees and AOB. [Read more…] about Assignment of Benefits–Real Reform!
Assignment of Benefits–Conspiracies & Theories!
Gotta hand it to Citizens! It’s recent study of water losses, Assignment of Benefits (AOB), and the fraud attendant thereto was not only an irrefutable rifle shot at both the extent and root of the problem but, it’s release was impeccably timed. [Read more…] about Assignment of Benefits–Conspiracies & Theories!
Weiss Ratings…three reasons for “no credibility”!
The problem with an insurer rating agency that confirms the suspicions of those who don’t understand insurance is that it becomes the de facto standard. The Palm Beach Post, the Herald Tribune, The Tampa Times and reporters like Charles Elmore, Daniel Ruth, Jeff Harrington and others, have spread fear using bogus ratings from Jupiter based, Weiss Ratings, Inc. [Read more…] about Weiss Ratings…three reasons for “no credibility”!
Had a far ranging conversation recently with a friend and lobbyist regarding Florida’s domestic property carriers. He asked… “What can we do about agents that keep telling their clients domestic insurer’s are thinly capitalized?”
First, I reminded him that independent agents would never intentionally deride carrier’s in which they’ve placed clients. Makes no sense.
But, here’s the rub. [Read more…] about BIG BUBBA’S CATFISH & INSURER RATINGS
Charlie’s “new” Plan & The Way We Were
You’ve already heard about Charlie Crist’s New Insurance Plan. A rewrite of the historical record ignoring some facts and distorting others to obfuscate damage from the first insurance plan he pushed through in early 2007. [Read more…] about Charlie’s “new” Plan & The Way We Were
Peoples Trust Complaint Ratio
The ink was still wet when I began hearing from agents, and others, on my post about changes at Peoples Trust. It seems that, according to the OIR’s most recent report, the Complaint Ratio for Peoples (5.44) is worse than any other carrier, including Citizens (1.0234). [Read more…] about Peoples Trust Complaint Ratio
A recent article in the Insurance Journal, “Florida Agents Concerned About Homeowners Choice Contract”, touched so lightly on issues basic to the independent agent delivery system that many, obviously those at Homeowners Choice, may not fully recognize what’s at stake.
It reminded me of trying to explain to lawmakers that agents own their book of business or why the policyholders’ information “belongs” to, or is owned by, the agent. Reactions to my explanations ranged from incredulity to blank stares.
Perhaps more compelling, especially for agents who would sign a contract like the one Homeowners Choice offered, is…“why does ownership of information matter?” [Read more…] about INDEPENDENT AGENTS…Be Forever Vigilant!