Last Friday the Florida Senate amended CS/CS/HB-635 and will send it back to the House for final approval. Of course, it may not pass the House (as amended) and thus may never become law, but…the practice one of the Senate amendments is designed to stop should be voluntarily abandoned by the one carrier whose actions gave rise to it in the first place. [Read more…] about UNIVERSAL’S Post Claims Underwriting…Revisited!
PIP…Now’s the Time!
Okay…everybody who thinks Florida’s No-Fault (Personal Injury Protection) system is working as it should…raise your hand.
Just as I thought…Nobody! [Read more…] about PIP…Now’s the Time!
ANOTHER RIP-OFF…Assignment of Benefits!
Industry alarms are sounding as more and more contractors and loss remediation entities, emergency water extraction companies and the like, exploit “assignment of benefits” to take control of homeowner’s claims–usurping rights to negotiate and adjust the loss, then threatening to sue the insurer to force payment of inflated bills.
Consistent with Florida’s curse, this scam not only has links to lawyers and public adjusters, it’s a major cost driver and frighteningly fertile ground for even more fraud! [Read more…] about ANOTHER RIP-OFF…Assignment of Benefits!
A CLAIMS FORUM…via the ICA’s office!
Beginning Thursday, March 21st, 2013, Florida’s Consumer Advocate, Robin Westcott and the DFS Director of Consumer Services, Tasha Carter, will conduct the first in a series of eight local forums to hear directly from consumers on how their Florida property claims are being handled. [Read more…] about A CLAIMS FORUM…via the ICA’s office!
CITIZENS–and an Amazing New Tool!
Every word of every legislative proposal dealing with Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Citizens) should be evaluated using a new online program developed by Associated Industries of Florida (AIF).
Like many simple inventions, in the right hands, used the right way, it can have monumental impact. [Read more…] about CITIZENS–and an Amazing New Tool!
Public Adjusters, Public Image–Believe Your Eye’s & Ears!
Few disagree with my prediction that if public adjusters succeed in overturning caps on their contingency fee’s there will be more of them with more incentive to file even more claims, justified or not. [Read more…] about Public Adjusters, Public Image–Believe Your Eye’s & Ears!
PUBLIC ADJUSTER’S…Some say “Lower Our Fee’s!”
Yep, you read the title correctly.
After my blog reporting that New Jersey regulators uncovered abuse of the state’s public adjuster(PA) contingency fee system, I learned of legislation to fix the problem by limiting their fees to 12.5% for catastrophe claims only. [Read more…] about PUBLIC ADJUSTER’S…Some say “Lower Our Fee’s!”
A Citizens Clearinghouse and a Private Option!
No doubt you’ve heard the idea of a clearinghouse for Citizens new applications and possibly even, renewals. It began making the rounds as early as last October and is now on the minds of lawmakers, Citizens and the industry as something that would not only help with the so called “Citizens problem” but, which might even be politically feasible. [Read more…] about A Citizens Clearinghouse and a Private Option!
Public Adjuster Fee’s & Public Policy!
They certainly don’t need any more bad press. Still…recent stories about public adjusters are instructive and may even warn of real challenges ahead for Florida’s tenuous property market. [Read more…] about Public Adjuster Fee’s & Public Policy!
FLOOD REFORM–Icing on the Cake!
This post may not sit well with some of my industry friends–Write Your Own (WYO) carriers and their agents ensconced in the current National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) approach as prescribed by federal law.
But…those taking umbrage may find comfort knowing that, like all my other good idea’s, this one will be totally ignored by anyone in a position to implement it. [Read more…] about FLOOD REFORM–Icing on the Cake!