Red herring, definition: noun; from the practice of drawing a red herring across a trail to confuse hunting dogs; something that distracts attention from the real issue; something unimportant that is used to stop people from noticing or thinking about something important. [Read more…] about Public Adjusters…fee caps & red herrings!
Palm Beach Post…two sides, one story!
I don’t know why I’m surprised when the Palm Beach Post lives up to expectations. [Read more…] about Palm Beach Post…two sides, one story!
An Op-ed on No-fault…
A while back I posted something intended to emphasize the futility of reforming no-fault and begging instead for its repeal. Many seemed to agree when I said reform was “All About Wasted Time.” [Read more…] about An Op-ed on No-fault…
Policyholder Rights & a 10% PA fee cap!
You’ve read my posts on the abuse of Assignment of Benefits (AOB) by emergency remediators, contractors, roofers, Emerging legislative shenanigans might be better understood if you read them again–especially one titled “Another Rip-Off”. [Read more…] about Policyholder Rights & a 10% PA fee cap!
PA FEE’S…Florida Consumers pay too much!
I’m sure you picked up on it. The proposed 15% cap on public adjuster (PA) fee’s in HB-743 is precisely midpoint between the existing 20% for non-catastrophic claims and 10% for catastrophe claims. (See NOTE #1 below)
The archetypal compromise. Between some PA’s and some insurer’s avoiding a fight by agreeing to reduce a cap they both know is too high–the highest in the entire United States. [Read more…] about PA FEE’S…Florida Consumers pay too much!
Public Adjusters Fee’s… consumer advocates fail consumers!
Improving legal or regulatory landscapes often requires a careful survey. Who wants to change? What change do they want? And, the always elusive political query… who is willing to go on the record one way or the other?
Such is the case with Florida’s statutory cap on public adjuster fee’s. [Read more…] about Public Adjusters Fee’s… consumer advocates fail consumers!
NO-FAULT…Where Politics & Reason Collide!
It won’t matter to those favoring no-fault regardless of facts supporting its’ repeal, but…a recent study may prove instructive for those with minds still open.
The question at hand. Whether to repeal Florida’s no-fault (PIP) law in favor of a more traditional system operating in 38 states, or; keep it, hoping recent reforms yielding a paltry 3.4% savings won’t erode, as they consistently have, over the last forty years. (closed minded phrasing intended).
[Read more…] about NO-FAULT…Where Politics & Reason Collide!
AUTO/PIP… Post does a number on the numbers!
The Palm Beach Post did a bit of a number on OIR numbers regarding PIP reform. To be clear, its conclusion that PIP needs to be repealed is sound but, an editorial by Randy Schultz and the biased article upon which it was unfortunately based, both come across like attacks on entities the Post doesn’t like, rather than treatises on repealing No-Fault, which is its position. [Read more…] about AUTO/PIP… Post does a number on the numbers!
1st AMENDMENT…The Freedom to be Wrong!
I was forwarded an article by Jeff Barnard of the AP opining on a recent Federal Court decision from the 9th Circuit regarding the 1st Amendment–the very first federal appellate ruling affording bloggers, such as myself, legal protections similar to those of journalists generally.
While I’ve been threatened, to no result, multiple times, with lawsuits and other random attempts to dull my pen, this decision impacts beyond my desk to anyone giving wide circulation about an injustice, or an opinion on a “public issue.” [Read more…] about 1st AMENDMENT…The Freedom to be Wrong!
Flood Insurance …When Politics & Reason Collide!
There’s no telling where the federal foolishness over flood insurance will end up–I predict, not with actuarial premiums; especially not for NFIP policies and especially not anytime soon.
Precipitous NFIP rate increases are courtesy of ill-advised votes by almost every member of congress, especially Democrats, none of whom voted against the rate increases. This inexplicably includes Bill Nelson, a congressional veteran from America’s premier flood state–a lawyer and former insurance commissioner to boot, he should have known better. (See CFO Jeff Atwater’s letter to Bill Nelson). Also, (See NOTE #1 below). [Read more…] about Flood Insurance …When Politics & Reason Collide!